My Life as an Animal by Andrew Tyler

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A memoir, adventures, music, animal rights. The long awaited biography of our amazing and much missed Director, Andrew Tyler, who so sadly died in April 2017. This volume brings to the fore Andrew's superb writing skills in this sharply written memoir of his extraordinary life. He takes us from the 'skinny, anxious boy' who was raised in a children's home and left formal education at 14, to the resolute Director of Animal Aid, a post he held for 19 years. He conquered his nerves to become a skilful and courageous spokesperson for animals and veganism.

Along the way, Andrew describes his adventures in hippy California and his time as a rock journalist, interviewing numerous rock legends, and as a freelance feature writer for Fleet Street broadsheets. The book ends with a postscript from his wife Sara, describing movingly his decision to seek a dignified end at Dignitas. A truly inspiring work by an inspiring and much-loved man.