Rollo’s Long Way Home tells the tale of a young reindeer called Rollo who is fed up with his life stuck in captivity, and wishes that he could go home. Along the way he meets a lost elf, a magical snow globe and a face he has dreamt about for years. Join Rollo on this wintery, magical journey to find where he belongs.
A tale of kindness, compassion and respect towards all our fellow animals.
The book is intended for 4-8 year olds.
Illustrated by Kate Kuznetsova.
210mm x 210mm
As part of the campaign, we are sending Rollo into schools! We hope that the book will help children learn about why reindeer, and all animals, should be free to live their lives in peace. The more books that reach schools, the more this message of respect and compassion towards animals can spread. And you can help! You can buy a book for yourself, as a festive gift, for a school or community group. Whichever you choose, an anonymous donor will donate another copy to a school or community group.